Email: [email protected]

Phone: +61 423 034 885

“Gentle” … “WOW” … “Life changing”

This is how some of my clients have described the impact of a Body Code session with me.

Energy healing promotes harmony and balance within, relieves stress and supports the body’s natural ability to heal.

The Body Code is a complete system of natural energy balancing. It is all about finding the underlying causes of disease and

caring for the human body in a healthy and complete way.


Hi. I’m Keryn Rose,

Through my work as an intuitive energy healer, particularly as a certified Body Code practitioner, I’ve had the joy of assisting many people release blocks that were holding them back from experiencing a more abundant life. Clients come to me for a variety of reasons. Some are health based, some are financial based and some are based around relationships, both with themselves and with others. I have clients come to me feeling overwhelmed, fatigued and Smallstruggling with life. I have provided the support they need to move through their struggles and doubts, empowering them to live their life with freedom.


How can I help you?


Feeling Stuck?

Trapped emotions tend to be at the root of all issues within the body, whether they be emotional, physical, mental or spiritual


Feeling Numb?

Trapped emotions in and around your heart can leave you feeling isolated and numb. It makes it hard for love to flow in and out of

your heart


Feeling Anxious?

Trapped emotions within our animals can impact on their ability to communicate with us and their mates

Give the Body Full Access to
it's healing power

Unleash the body’s natural healing power by freeing yourself of limiting beliefs, patterns of failure and self-sabotage that may be hiding in your body as energetic imbalances

Stregthen you relationships + true love

Unleash the body’s natural healing power by freeing yourself of limiting beliefs, patterns of failure and self-sabotage that may be hiding in your body as energetic imbalances

Shatter Money Blocks

Unlock your potential for wealth and abundance by releasing the imbalances that cause money blocks and other limitations

3 tips to strengthen your immune system

3 Lifestyle Tips to Strengthen Your Immune System

February 26, 20243 min read

Every act of kindness on your part is a boost to your own immune system.

- Marianne Williamson -

3 Lifestyle Tips To Strengthen Your Immune System

When you feel a little unwell what do you do? How do you react? Do you check in with yourself or do you check in with someone else? Do you ever contemplate checking in with your immune system and asking if there is anything you can do to support it? Just out of curiosity ...

... when was the last time you checked in with your immune system?

As you begin to heal the inner you

Your immune system is a complex network of cells, organs, and glands that communicate with each other energetically. Their task is to protect your physical body against what it sees as 'foreign' intruders. When the communication is flowing uninterrupted that means that your energy is flowing uniterrupted and your immune system can deal with infections caused by viruses, bacteria, mould, fungus, and parasites. When that communication system starts breaking down your immune system is no longer in a balanced state, and dis-ease can manifest in the form of fatigue, muscle ache, digestive upsets, colds, flu, and even cancer.

Your immune system works hard to protect you.

How hard do you work to support it?

Start treating your body right

Three Lifestyle Tips To Strengthen Your Immune System

1. Get Enough Sleep

Studies show that people who don't get quality sleep, or enough sleep are more likely to get sick after being exposed to a virus, such as a common cold virus. a lack of sleep can also affect how fast you recover if you do get sick (1)

Sleep duration recommendations

2. Keep Yourself Hydrated

Water is essential to life. In some organisms, up to 90% of their body weight comes from water. For the human adult body, it is up to 60%. According to H.H. Mitchell, Journal of Biological Chemistry 158:-

  • the brain and heart are composed of about 73% water,

  • the lungs are about 83% water,

  • the skin contains about 64% water, and

  • the bones contain about 31%

What does water do for you

3. Have A Good Laugh

When was the last time you had a good laugh? In 1976, Norman Cousins published an article in the New England Journal of Medicine extolling the potential medicinal benefits of laughter and humour. Dr. Gulshan Sethi, head of cardiothoracic surgery at the Tucson Medical Center and faculty at the University of Arizona’s Center for Integrative Medicine says that:

Laughter activates the body’s natural relaxation response. It’s like internal jogging, providing a good massage to all internal organs while also toning abdominal muscles,

Laughter has amazing healing qualities. It strengthens your immune system, reduces stress, lightens your mood, and strengthens your connection to yourself and others.

One minute of anger vs one minute of laughter

Your immune system is crucial to your overall health and wellbeing. It is your very own defense system designed to protect you from disease and infection, and help you to recover when you do get sick.

The stronger your immune system,

the stronger your protection against all pathogens.

Change your thoughts

From an energetic perspective, when the immune system is 'out of whack' it is no longer in a state of homeostasis. At the root cause and source of this unbalanced state are underlying energetic imbalances, most of which will be trapped emotions. In my work as an intuitive energy healer, using the Body Code, I can assist you to discover these underlying energetic imbalances, and help you release them.

Is it time to check in with the function of your immune system?

I can help you! Click this link and organise a free, no-obligation 30-minute discovery call with me.

In support of you becoming the best you, you can be,

Keryn Rose

Intuitive Energy Healer

Certified Body Code Practitioner

[email protected]

When you're happy

blog author image

Keryn Rose

Hi, my name is Keryn Rose and I'm an intuitive energy healer.

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Thank you for all your amazing work. I feel free and clear which is a beautiful state to be in. You facilitated such a big clearing away of old emotion its like a huge weight has been lifted off my chest. I can breathe again. I am full of so much gratitude for the work you did. Thanks again! <3

Amanda Hassall

Amazing mum, creative spirit and big hearted humanitarian

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