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Phone: +61 423 034 885

“Gentle” … “WOW” … “Life changing”

This is how some of my clients have described the impact of a Body Code session with me.

Energy healing promotes harmony and balance within, relieves stress and supports the body’s natural ability to heal.

The Body Code is a complete system of natural energy balancing. It is all about finding the underlying causes of disease and

caring for the human body in a healthy and complete way.


Hi. I’m Keryn Rose,

Through my work as an intuitive energy healer, particularly as a certified Body Code practitioner, I’ve had the joy of assisting many people release blocks that were holding them back from experiencing a more abundant life. Clients come to me for a variety of reasons. Some are health based, some are financial based and some are based around relationships, both with themselves and with others. I have clients come to me feeling overwhelmed, fatigued and Smallstruggling with life. I have provided the support they need to move through their struggles and doubts, empowering them to live their life with freedom.


How can I help you?


Feeling Stuck?

Trapped emotions tend to be at the root of all issues within the body, whether they be emotional, physical, mental or spiritual


Feeling Numb?

Trapped emotions in and around your heart can leave you feeling isolated and numb. It makes it hard for love to flow in and out of

your heart


Feeling Anxious?

Trapped emotions within our animals can impact on their ability to communicate with us and their mates

Give the Body Full Access to
it's healing power

Unleash the body’s natural healing power by freeing yourself of limiting beliefs, patterns of failure and self-sabotage that may be hiding in your body as energetic imbalances

Stregthen you relationships + true love

Unleash the body’s natural healing power by freeing yourself of limiting beliefs, patterns of failure and self-sabotage that may be hiding in your body as energetic imbalances

Shatter Money Blocks

Unlock your potential for wealth and abundance by releasing the imbalances that cause money blocks and other limitations

Future Medicine - The Healing Power of Frequencies

Future Medicine - The Healing Power of Frequencies

February 11, 20248 min read

Future Medicine - The Healing Power of Frequencies

As an energy healer, there are times where I, too, benefit from some healing work in my energy field. I recently had a friend ask me what I do when I am feeling a little 'under the weather and needing some comfort and support'? She was curious, and wanted to know 'what were my favourite forms of healing?' I smiled, and said 'music, colour, and the smell of essential oils'.

I will admit that I have recently fallen in love with my Healy, a bio-resonance device that emits frequencies into my personal environment, creating a space to support my own healing abilities, but more on that another time.

music is to the soul what words are to the mind


I married a man who loved rock music - ACDC, Iron Maiden, Led Zeplin, and there was only one way to listen to it ... and that was LOUD! It was a bit of a culture shock for me, coming from a background of classical and religious music. Trained on piano, violin, viola and voice I was comfortable in the gentle world of Mozart, Beethoven, Bach and the beautiful hymns sung on Sunday. I really was fascinated by the way he was able to chill to his music when it jarred every bone in my body. And for him, the sound of my kind of music literally fell on deaf ears.

What magic lies within the frequencies of music and its powerful ability heal?

Music can heal wounds

Music, itself, is simply a collection of frequencies

Caring for my beautiful aunt, who spent the last few years of her life slipping into her unique world, due to the onset of dementia, music had a magical way of soothing her. Being the daughter of a minister, church music ran through her blood. She didn't need her hymn book to join the rest of the congregation in song. 'I Know That My Redeemer Liveth', 'When The Roll Is Called Up Yonder' and 'How Great Thou Art' were amongst her favourites. I still have vivid memories of standing next to her in church and hearing her sing them with such conviction and love.

In the article 5 Reasons Why Music Boosts Brain Activity a recent study explains the ability of music to evoke emotions that bring up memories. Towards the end of my aunt's life, bed-bound and having lost her ability to speak, the healing frequency of music spoke to her and brought her great comfort. I could see it in her eyes. I could feel it in her energy. The music I was playing for her connected with her when nothing else seemed able to.

Music is the mediator between the life of the senses and the life of the spirit.

- Ludwig van Beethoven -

Music has the power to heal

Music is a great healer.

Many studies have been done on the impact of music on emotions and the body. Faster music can make you feel more alert and concentrate better. Upbeat music can make you feel more optimistic and positive about life. A slower tempo can quiet your mind and relax your muscles, making you feel soothed while releasing the stress of the day. Researchers at Stanford University say that "listening to music seems to be able to change brain functioning to the same extent as medication."

In the well-detailed article The Health Benefits of Music the author, NatureSoundRetreat write about a variety of different types of music and sounds, and their healing benefits. They acknowledge 'they all have one thing in common – the ability to relax your mind, reduce stress, and improve your overall health.'

Music speaks the language your soul understands.

Somtimes all you need is a splash of colour

Spend more time with colour and you will feel a difference.

- Maitreya -


Another way in which energy, or frequency, shows itself in our world is through colour. One of my most vivid memories of the impact of colour is the role it played in the wards of Princess Margaret Hospital. Having spent considerable time there when my children were little, I was always amazed at the use of bright colours throughout the wards, and the vibrant name badges on the nurses. It truly was such a beautifully bright environment to be in and it certainly brought me comfort in challenging times.

Colours are a beautiful form of frequencies, many of which you can see. Each colour has its own unique frequency. Your body recognizes these frequencies and responds to them at the cellular level. Each colour gives you a certain amount of energy manifesting as creativity, motivation, happiness, or energy that relaxes our bodies, clears the mind of anxiety and stress, and gives you a good night's sleep.

Colour posseses a language without words.

- Billy Dugger -

Colour is a power

Mere colour, unspoiled by meaning, and unallied with definite form, can speak to the soul in a thousand different ways.

- Oscar Wilde -

In his article 7 Best Colours for Healing , Jacob Olesen writes of 7 healing colours for hospitals. He shares:

  • Red is a passionate and warm colour which induces vitality and stimulates energy. It tends to be used in small doses.

  • Orange is one of the best colours for hospitals and particularly for children’s rooms because it radiates warmth and is associated with joy.

  • Yellow is a bright and cheerful colour that can help detoxify the body and mind to heal patients quickly.

  • Green is known for its balanced healing properties. It is a restful colour that symbolises growth and renewal

  • Blue is an important healing colour as it is linked with calm and serenity.

  • Pink is a soothing colour that shows caring and affection.

  • Purple and violet, as well as its related shades like lilac and lavender are connected with spirituality, higher consciousness and spirituality.

In my article, The Powerful Energy Colour Brings To Life and Death, I share how colour, and more importantly the absence of it, impacted me with the passing of my step-father. It remains a powerful moment in my life and one for which I am incredibly grateful. When my father spent time in the same rehabilitation unit, and the same ward that my stepfather spent the last few months of his life in last year. I had an opportunity to support my father's healing process through the healing frequencies of colour.

The soul becomes dyed with the colour of its thoughts

- Marcus Aurelius -

Nothing is more memorable than a smell

Perfumes are the feelings of flowers.

- Heinrich Heine -

Essential Oils

Essential oil is a natural oil typically obtained by distillation and having the characteristic odour of the plant or other source from which it is extracted.

Essential oils activate the smell receptors in your nose, which send messages directly to your brain's limbic system. The limbic system affects your emotions, memory, learning, appetite, and sex drive. Inhaling essential oils stimulates different bodily responses, such as breathing patterns, blood pressure, and heart rate.

Essential oils are a form of energy that we can smell, and each oil has its own healing frequency. They can be inhaled directly out of the bottle or can be dispersed into a room by using a diffuser or humidifier. You can also dilute essential oils with a carrier oil (I love using coconut oil) and apply it directly to your skin if the essential oil is safe to use in a topical application. I can remember adding a drop of lavender oil to my baby's bathwater to assist with a peaceful night's sleep.

Smell is a potent wizard that transports you across thousands of miles

and all the years you have lived.

- Helen Keller -

Scents bring memories

Where there are oils there is goodness,

and where there is goodness there is magic.

Two of my absolute favourite essential oils are:-


  • Invigorating and stimulating, peppermint essential oil refreshes from fatigue and apathy.

  • Menthol, one of the key compound found in peppermint essential oil, has an analgesic and cooling action that can help ease headaches. For the relief of a minor headache mix 1 – 2 drops of peppermint oil in a small amount of carrier oil and massage into your neck and shoulders.

  • I love adding 1 drop of 100% peppermint oil to my raw chocolate (ensure you are using 100% essential oil that is food grade)


  • place a drop on the pillow to assist in a good night's sleep.

  • add 4 drops of lavender oil to 10gm of a carrier oil (I love using coconut oil) and apply it to a minor wound to assist in healing.

  • due to its analgesic, anti-inflammatory and anti-anxiety properties, Lavender essential oil may be beneficial in reducing the pain and tension of a headache. Apply it to the temples, or the nape of the neck. Inhalation can also be of benefit.

I love talking to my clients about the way in which energy interacts with us. Music, colour and smells are three different forms of energy and healing frequencies. You are constantly interacting with them. The choice of music you listen to, the clothes you wear, or the aromas you use ... so often these choices are made depending on how you are feeling and/or how you would like to feel. You are always looking for something to make you feel better.

Future medicine will be the medicine of frequencies.

- Albert Einstein -

Be the seeker of everyday magic

Energy is everywhere. It totally surrounds you. Music, colour and aromas are three different ways the frequency of energy presents itself to you. Each of these frequencies can nurture you, comfort you and support you in times of need. When you hear music that fills your heart, it is sharing its healing frequency with you. When you see colour that makes you smile ... it is sharing its healing frequency with you. When you smell an aroma that quietens your pain ... it is sharing its healing frequency with you. You live in a world full of healing energy.

Are you feeling stuck in some area of your life?

Would you like the support of some healing frequency?

I can help you with that! Click this link and organise a free, no obligation 30 minute discovery call with me.

In support of you reconnecting with your unique awesomeness,

Keryn Rose

Intuitive Energy Healer

Certified Body Code Practitioner

[email protected]

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Keryn Rose

Hi, my name is Keryn Rose and I'm an intuitive energy healer.

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Thank you for all your amazing work. I feel free and clear which is a beautiful state to be in. You facilitated such a big clearing away of old emotion its like a huge weight has been lifted off my chest. I can breathe again. I am full of so much gratitude for the work you did. Thanks again! <3

Amanda Hassall

Amazing mum, creative spirit and big hearted humanitarian

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