Email: [email protected]

Phone: +61 423 034 885

“Gentle” … “WOW” … “Life changing”

This is how some of my clients have described the impact of a Body Code session with me.

Energy healing promotes harmony and balance within, relieves stress and supports the body’s natural ability to heal.

The Body Code is a complete system of natural energy balancing. It is all about finding the underlying causes of disease and

caring for the human body in a healthy and complete way.


Hi. I’m Keryn Rose,

Through my work as an intuitive energy healer, particularly as a certified Body Code practitioner, I’ve had the joy of assisting many people release blocks that were holding them back from experiencing a more abundant life. Clients come to me for a variety of reasons. Some are health based, some are financial based and some are based around relationships, both with themselves and with others. I have clients come to me feeling overwhelmed, fatigued and Smallstruggling with life. I have provided the support they need to move through their struggles and doubts, empowering them to live their life with freedom.


How can I help you?


Feeling Stuck?

Trapped emotions tend to be at the root of all issues within the body, whether they be emotional, physical, mental or spiritual


Feeling Numb?

Trapped emotions in and around your heart can leave you feeling isolated and numb. It makes it hard for love to flow in and out of

your heart


Feeling Anxious?

Trapped emotions within our animals can impact on their ability to communicate with us and their mates

Give the Body Full Access to
it's healing power

Unleash the body’s natural healing power by freeing yourself of limiting beliefs, patterns of failure and self-sabotage that may be hiding in your body as energetic imbalances

Stregthen you relationships + true love

Unleash the body’s natural healing power by freeing yourself of limiting beliefs, patterns of failure and self-sabotage that may be hiding in your body as energetic imbalances

Shatter Money Blocks

Unlock your potential for wealth and abundance by releasing the imbalances that cause money blocks and other limitations

The Healing Power of Sleep

The Healing Power Of Sleep

January 13, 20244 min read

The healing power of sleep

Over recent months in my work as an energy healer, particularly during Body Code sessions, the area of sleep has been a common area requiring balancing. This got me asking the question why? Is there more to sleeping than simply shutting your eyes, and opening them some time later? Could a good nights sleep strengthen your immune system?

There is a strong link between sleep and your overall health and wellbeing.

Getting a really good night’s sleep is just as important as eating foods that work for you, and getting exercise every day. Sleep is a state in which healing takes place at an accelerated rate and interrupting this process can have a huge impact on the quality of your sleep, and your health.

Sleep is the golden charing that binds our health and our bodies

Did you know that:-

  • People with short sleep duration tend to weigh significantly more than those who get adequate sleep (1)

  • A review of 15 studies found that people who sleep less that 7- 8 hrs per night are at far greater risk of heart disease or stroke than those who slept 7-8 hrs. (2)

  • There has been shown to be a link between the quality of sleep and depression with an estimated 90% of people with depression complaining about sleep quality (3)

  • Poor sleep has been strongly linked to long-term inflammation of the digestive tract, in disorders known as inflammatory bowel diseases (4, 5)

  • It has been shown that even a small loss of sleep can impact on the function of the immune system (6)

    Sleep is the energy you need for tomorrow

    Three Top Tips to Improve the Quality of Your Sleep

    1. Go to sleep and get up at the same time every day.

    This helps set your body’s internal clock. The more disruption your body’s internal clock experiences, the more ‘jet lagged’ you will feel.

    2. Avoid bright screens within 1-2 hours of your bedtime.

    The blue light emitted by your phone, tablet, computer, or TV is especially disruptive to the production of melatonin, a hormone that sets up the conditions for your body to sleep.

    3. Establish a gentle pre-sleep routine.

    About an hour before bedtime, do some relaxing activities like take a bath (the rise and fall of body temperature induces drowsiness); read a book or do some deep breathing.

    The importance of sleep is huge.

    It is more than simply shutting your eyes and opening them sometime later. Sleep is a key part of your overall health and wellbeing. The body does a lot of important work whilst you sleep. I believe it is critical that you work with your body's natural healing properties and do all you can to support your immune system.

    What good is success

    The article, '7 Amazing Things That Happen To Your Body While You Sleep" published by the Queensland Health Department (7) states -

    • your brain sorts and processes the day's information

    • hormones flood your body

    • your sympathetic nervous system chills out, and

    • your immune system releases inflammation fighting cytokines

    • cortisol levels lower

    • your muscles paralyse, and

    • anti- diuretic hormone (ADH) helps you not to have to pee

    Now I reckon that's pretty awesome!

    A good sleep requires energy to be flowing through the body.

    For those of us who have no known underlying medical conditions that may be contributing to a poor quality of sleep and/or impacting on its duration, there still may be underlying energetic imbalances interfering with your ability to have a good sleep.

    There is a time for many words

    Do you :

    • Struggle to fall asleep?

    • Struggle to stay asleep?

    • Wake up feeling tired?

    Getting quality sleep is one of the best things you can do for your health. Getting enough restful sleep at the right times can help protect your mental health, physical health, quality of life, and safety.

    Are you getting enough restful sleep?

    This is a question that comes up regularly in Body Code sessions and is a question to which the subconscious can give an accurate answer. Your subconscious has the ability to find out if there are any energetic imbalances that are interfering with normal, deep sleep. Once the energetic imbalances have been discovered, they are released, creating space for the body to access a more restful sleep.

    are you sleeping your way to optimal health?

    Your health is your wealth!

    Would you like to feel wealthier?

    I can help you with that! I offer FREE, no-obligation 30 minute discovery calls designed to give you clarity and provide guidance. Click on this link and book your discovery call today .

    In support of becoming the best you, you can be,

    Keryn Rose

    Intuitive Energy Healer

    Certified Body Code Practitioner

    [email protected]

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Keryn Rose

Hi, my name is Keryn Rose and I'm an intuitive energy healer.

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Thank you for all your amazing work. I feel free and clear which is a beautiful state to be in. You facilitated such a big clearing away of old emotion its like a huge weight has been lifted off my chest. I can breathe again. I am full of so much gratitude for the work you did. Thanks again! <3

Amanda Hassall

Amazing mum, creative spirit and big hearted humanitarian

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