Email: [email protected]

Phone: +61 423 034 885

“Gentle” … “WOW” … “Life changing”

This is how some of my clients have described the impact of a Body Code session with me.

Energy healing promotes harmony and balance within, relieves stress and supports the body’s natural ability to heal.

The Body Code is a complete system of natural energy balancing. It is all about finding the underlying causes of disease and

caring for the human body in a healthy and complete way.


Hi. I’m Keryn Rose,

Through my work as an intuitive energy healer, particularly as a certified Body Code practitioner, I’ve had the joy of assisting many people release blocks that were holding them back from experiencing a more abundant life. Clients come to me for a variety of reasons. Some are health based, some are financial based and some are based around relationships, both with themselves and with others. I have clients come to me feeling overwhelmed, fatigued and Smallstruggling with life. I have provided the support they need to move through their struggles and doubts, empowering them to live their life with freedom.


How can I help you?


Feeling Stuck?

Trapped emotions tend to be at the root of all issues within the body, whether they be emotional, physical, mental or spiritual


Feeling Numb?

Trapped emotions in and around your heart can leave you feeling isolated and numb. It makes it hard for love to flow in and out of

your heart


Feeling Anxious?

Trapped emotions within our animals can impact on their ability to communicate with us and their mates

Give the Body Full Access to
it's healing power

Unleash the body’s natural healing power by freeing yourself of limiting beliefs, patterns of failure and self-sabotage that may be hiding in your body as energetic imbalances

Stregthen you relationships + true love

Unleash the body’s natural healing power by freeing yourself of limiting beliefs, patterns of failure and self-sabotage that may be hiding in your body as energetic imbalances

Shatter Money Blocks

Unlock your potential for wealth and abundance by releasing the imbalances that cause money blocks and other limitations

What's in your self-care toolbox?

What's In Your Self-Care Toolbox?

February 28, 20244 min read

When you recover or discover something that nourishes your soul and brings joy, care enough about yourself to make room for it in your life.

- Anne Lamont -

What's in your self-care toolbox?

The Oxford Dictionary defines self-care as 'the practice of taking an active role in protecting one's well-being and happiness, in particular during periods of stress.

Self-care is an act of self-love!

It's a way of living and loving. It's a way of showing up for yourself even in the hardest, darkest moments. So often it is in those dark moments when self-love is being sought, that self-care actions like eating chocolate or having a glass of wine top the list of preferred actions but not necessarily the most beneficial for you. Self-care is essential care. It keeps you connected with yourself. It gives you the ability to process life. Do you have a self-care tool box "list"?

Love yourself first and everything else will fall into place

"Self-care is an act of loving oneself so that

that love can flow out into the world around them."

- Jessica Dimas -

I often refer to self-care ideas as self-care tools and when you gather a number of them together, in one place, you have yourself the beginnings of a self-care tool box. Do you have a self-care tool box? A list of go-to activities you can do in those moments where you need some TLC?

I believe the best time to create your go-to self-care tool box is when you are feeling 'on top of the world'. When you are feeling wonderful, and life is flowing for you, this is an ideal time to prepare for when you feel life is a bit rocky. It is from this place of contentment that your thoughts can flow in a positive and supportive way. Your heart is in a space to guide you. After all, nobody knows you better than you!

If your compassion does not include yourself ...

Three of my Favourite Tools From My Self-Care Tool Box


In the well-detailed article The Health Benefits of Music the author, NatureSoundRetreat write about a variety of different types of music and sounds and their healing benefits. They acknowledge 'they all have one thing in common – the ability to relax your mind, reduce stress, and improve your overall health.' Researchers at Stanford University say that "listening to music seems to be able to change brain functioning to the same extent as medication."

I love creating playlists. They allow me to quickly access music to support the space I am in. I have created a playlist on Spotify called Chill and Relax Keryn. I listen to it every day, and sometimes have it playing through the night with the volume down so I can't hear the music but my body can resonate with the healing frequencies. After all, it's simply energy! Feel free to click this link to listen. (you will need the Spotify app).


Being aware of your breath, and taking the time to breathe deeply has long-lasting benefits for you. When the voice inside your head is so loud you can’t hear yourself think, or you are stuck in events that have already happened … or, you think may happen, taking a deep breath shuts off the noise. It centres you, brings you into the present moment, and connects you with yourself. Deep breathing triggers the parasympathetic nervous system which neutralises the impact of stress on your physical body and elicits a feeling of calm. To be aware of your breathing is to be aware of you, the ultimate gift of love from you to you.


Talking is an important way for me to process life and journaling allows me to talk with the most important person in my life - me! Over the years I have found that for this powerful tool to resonate with me it must have:-

  1. a book with blank pages

  2. a book with a beautiful cover

  3. a set of amazing coloured pens

With the beauty of the cover, the freedom of blank pages, and the energy of many colours I feel welcomed and encouraged to talk openly and freely with myself.

Almost everything will work again

Here are some more ideas to help you add to, or start building your very own self-care tool box:-

  1. Make yourself a cup of tea/coffee

  2. Go for a walk

  3. Read a book

  4. Candles/essential oils

  5. Social media detox

  6. Meditate

  7. Call a friend

  8. Get outside in nature

  9. Pat your pet

  10. Cook/bake something

  11. Do some gardening

The idea behind the creation of a self-care tool box is to give you access to a list of activities that will support you when you need it the most and probably are not in the space to know what to do. The small things in life can have such a big impact on you. It's about you supporting yourself.

You really have to love yourself

Do you struggle to take an active role in protecting your

well-being and happiness?

Do you feel guilty at the thought of making your happiness a priority?

I offer 30-minute free discovery calls designed to give clarity and provide guidance for you and your life. To find out how I can help you find the freedom to create a self-care tool kit for yourself, and use it, click this link to organise your free discovery call today.

In support of you being the best you you can be,

Keryn Rose

Intuitive Energy Healer

Certified Body Code Practitioner

[email protected]

You are worthy of love

blog author image

Keryn Rose

Hi, my name is Keryn Rose and I'm an intuitive energy healer.

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Thank you for all your amazing work. I feel free and clear which is a beautiful state to be in. You facilitated such a big clearing away of old emotion its like a huge weight has been lifted off my chest. I can breathe again. I am full of so much gratitude for the work you did. Thanks again! <3

Amanda Hassall

Amazing mum, creative spirit and big hearted humanitarian

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