Email: [email protected]

Phone: +61 423 034 885

“Gentle” … “WOW” … “Life changing”

This is how some of my clients have described the impact of a Body Code session with me.

Energy healing promotes harmony and balance within, relieves stress and supports the body’s natural ability to heal.

The Body Code is a complete system of natural energy balancing. It is all about finding the underlying causes of disease and

caring for the human body in a healthy and complete way.


Hi. I’m Keryn Rose,

Through my work as an intuitive energy healer, particularly as a certified Body Code practitioner, I’ve had the joy of assisting many people release blocks that were holding them back from experiencing a more abundant life. Clients come to me for a variety of reasons. Some are health based, some are financial based and some are based around relationships, both with themselves and with others. I have clients come to me feeling overwhelmed, fatigued and Smallstruggling with life. I have provided the support they need to move through their struggles and doubts, empowering them to live their life with freedom.


How can I help you?


Feeling Stuck?

Trapped emotions tend to be at the root of all issues within the body, whether they be emotional, physical, mental or spiritual


Feeling Numb?

Trapped emotions in and around your heart can leave you feeling isolated and numb. It makes it hard for love to flow in and out of

your heart


Feeling Anxious?

Trapped emotions within our animals can impact on their ability to communicate with us and their mates

Give the Body Full Access to
it's healing power

Unleash the body’s natural healing power by freeing yourself of limiting beliefs, patterns of failure and self-sabotage that may be hiding in your body as energetic imbalances

Stregthen you relationships + true love

Unleash the body’s natural healing power by freeing yourself of limiting beliefs, patterns of failure and self-sabotage that may be hiding in your body as energetic imbalances

Shatter Money Blocks

Unlock your potential for wealth and abundance by releasing the imbalances that cause money blocks and other limitations

Emotions - energy in motion

Emotions - Energy In Motion

March 07, 20244 min read

Emotions are the language of the soul

Karla Mclaren

Emotions are energy in motion

The Latin derivative of the word emotion is ‘emovere’, meaning “move out, remove, agitate”. What you may describe as emotion is actually the experience of energy moving through your body. This experience can either expand into a calm and peaceful space or contract into a stressed and frazzled one.

You can't always control

Everyday you are responding or reacting to the world around you. Family, friends, traffic, work, pets, technology, your car and your home, just to name a few, all interact with you on an energetic level. Your response and reaction to these stimuli builds up over time, impacting on the way you think. Emotional energy, in itself, is neither negative or positive.

It is neutral.

The charge comes from a feeling or label you attach to it like grief, joy or overwhelm. Interpretations are then attached to the emotional energy giving it meaning.

Daniel Goleman, in his book, Emotional Intelligence, describes chronic stress and the feelings of loss of control and hopelessness as "neural hijacking’ situation in which the emotional brain triggers emotional reactions before the thinking brain has had any chance to pick up a signal or evaluate it. When the emotional brain triggers emotional responses, a cascade of reactions and adaptations on hormonal, chemical, cellular and energetic levels occurs, impacting both physical and psychological well- being."

Peace is the result of retraining your mind

According to a Royal Australian College of General Practitioners report, a survey of more than 1500 GPs ranked psychological ailments as the most common cause for a patient visit (62%).

Half of the GPs surveyed claimed that mental health was their biggest concern for the future.

I believe much of our suffering is due to negative emotional energies that have become trapped within our physical bodies. As we live our lives, day to day, we are continually experiencing emotions. Sometimes, for reasons not yet understood, emotions are not completely processed. When this happens, instead of simply experiencing the emotion and moving on, the energy of the emotion somehow becomes trapped within the physical body.

Worrying doesn't empty tomorrow of its sorrows

Five Tips To Help Create Calm Within You

and Your Emotional Wellbeing

1. Hugs

Family therapist Virginia Satir once said,

"We need 4 hugs a day for survival.

We need 8 hugs a day for maintenance.

We need 12 hugs a day for growth."

...and do you know the truly beautiful thing about hugs??? One size fits all !

2. Have a Full-body Massage

It is common for emotional blocks to be released as massage therapists work on physical blocks. There is also the benefit of relaxation flowing throughout the entire body, relieving tension, reducing stress, relieving anxiety and improving sleep.

3. Go For a Walk

Often the natural movement of the body as it walks is enough to get the emotions moving. In his article "How Walking Can Boost Your Mood and Reduce Stress", David Greene says that "the endorphins alone are reason enough to get out there and try it."

Everything you have every wanted

4. Make a Date With a Close Friend

Time with a close friend can be a powerful tonic during times of need. It can increase your sense of purpose and belonging. A gentle reminder of just how awesome you are may be enough to release some emotional energy.

5. Let Go

It is natural for us to have a thought, attach a feeling to it and let it go. When that process is interrupted, the feeling, or emotion, can become trapped in your body. Trapped emotions have substance. They consist of energy, just like everything else. When trapped emotions are created, they reside somewhere within your physical body with the potential to cause significant physical and emotional impact on your life.

No one can make you feel inferior without your consent

Living life without taking stock of your emotional well-being is like lugging around lots of very full suitcases all day, every day. From a physical perspective that would be exhausting. From an emotional perspective, it is also exhausting and can show up as physical pain, lethargy, stress, weight gain, addictive behaviour ... and the list goes on. In my role as an energy healer, and with your permission, trapped emotions can be discovered and released swiftly, lightening your load.

Living life to its fullest requires you to be fully connected with yourself.

You can't stop the waves but you can learn how to surf

Could trapped emotions be holding you back?

If you feel they are, chances are abundance is struggling to flow freely through you and your life. I can help you with that! Click this link and organise a free, no obligation 30 minute discovery call with me.

In support of becoming the best you, you can be,

Keryn Rose

Intuitive Energy Healer

Certified Body Code Practitioner

[email protected]

Healing From Within With Keryn Rose Podcast

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Keryn Rose

Hi, my name is Keryn Rose and I'm an intuitive energy healer.

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Thank you for all your amazing work. I feel free and clear which is a beautiful state to be in. You facilitated such a big clearing away of old emotion its like a huge weight has been lifted off my chest. I can breathe again. I am full of so much gratitude for the work you did. Thanks again! <3

Amanda Hassall

Amazing mum, creative spirit and big hearted humanitarian

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